Saturday, February 10, 2007

Good morning friends,

It has been a busy week. There was a fire in an apartment in one of our largest client's buildings Wednesday. My fire alarm worked properly and everyone got out safe. As the fire progressed it burned through the wiring to the fire alarm and killed it. I spent Thursday installing temporary wiring through the burned area and replacing the alarm control panel so that it was safe to move back into the building. This was a ten hour day in the cold with wet feet from walking through the water left by the fire hoses. My feet feel cold again as I type this.

Yesterday I was called by the service manager of one of our competitors to work with one of his techs on a particular problem they were having renovating an older system. The service manager and, as it turned out, the tech they sent are former employees of ours. I taught both of these guys through their first few years. I was able to solve the problem for them, and I gracefully turned aside the broad hints that I should really be working for their company.

Sunflower and I are looking forward to a lovely Saturday. I hope your weekend is nice too!

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