Sunday, March 12, 2006

good evening friends,

today has been tax day at our house. i spent the afternoon with three sets of federal returns and three state returns. thank god for turbotax!

yesterday, it was a beautiful day. it hit sixty degrees and sunny. sadly i wasted six hours in a class i needed for the continuing education requirements for my electrical license. the guy who used to teach these classes retired and we had a new guy. he had copied a great deal of n.f.p.a.70 code into a power point presentation then spent most of the class time reading it to us as we followed along in the handouts he printed up from the slides.

great phrases like "the power sources of non power limited fire alarm circuits shall comply with chapters 1 through 4 and the output voltage shall not be more than 600 volts, nominal. these circuits shall not be supplied throug ground fault circuit interrupters (gfci) or arc fault circuit intrerrupters (afci)"

the challenge is not to understand the nature of non power limited circuits. the difference between power limited and non power limited circuits is a common discussion among fire alarm technicians. the real challenge is to stay awake while that guy reads this to us.

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